06 January, 2013

The Long Defeat

Surely this post is not wholly unexpected. The last year has been one long explanation of why each episode of Beneath Your Feet has been delayed. I won't go into lengthy explanations of why: those of you with families, social lives, full-time jobs, and other interests can put the pieces together. Perhaps the polestar of this whole thing has been my own expectations. The thought of releasing episodes haphazardly and/or at compromised quality really bugs me. Certainly there is nothing wrong when podcasts do this; there are no rules about how you do your podcast. I, however, am apparently too much of an all-or-nothing person, which has its own merits and defects. Additionally, my LOTRO time has been limited since Rohan came out and that great Ferris wheel of interest has taken a bit of a dip.

All of this is to say the BYF will be taking a permanent vacation. Certainly there is the chance that the bug will bite me again and my schedule will clear and the gears will get moving at full-speed but, for now, I must prioritize. That means the podcast gets shelved.

It is not the end, though! Beneath Your Feet will live on in written form. Merric and Goldenstar of A Casual Stroll to Mordor have graciously agreed to host Beneath Your Feet as a column on their ubiquitous blog. So all of you wonderful people who have listened and supported this endeavor will still be able to get the same information on your favorite places in Middle-earth. I just won't be reading it to you anymore.

Obviously this is not the same, but I hope you will continue to follow and enjoy learning about our favorite fantasy world together.

If you have any suggestions for places you would like covered, do email me! I'd also love some input on whether or not I should publish the scripts from previous episodes as blogs.

So, thank you! Thank you for listening and providing kind words. Thank you for subscribing and keeping up with this little podcast. Novaer! Savo 'lass a lalaith!

By way of housekeeping: the Facebook and Google+ pages will stay up for a bit longer, but will eventually be taken down. I will keep the CyberEars hosting up for a good long while as well, for later access. 


  1. Sad to see you go as I enjoyed listening to your tales about each of the regions as I levelled up and began to explore them. It made the assorted trees, rocks, and ruins of each new zone a little more meaningful. I totally understand the whole "life" thing though- best of luck!

  2. Sad indeed to see you go...Thanks for making these though. I really enjoyed them! I hope one day you will come back. Take care!

  3. I completely understand your position, Shipwreck. I'll miss your podcasts, but I'm looking forward to your column on Casual Stroll! Best wishes to you!

    -- Starry

  4. Sad to hear. Enjoyed listening to your podcast on CyberEars.com.
