16 June, 2012

Episode 16: Enedwaith

[Direct Link]

First, thank you all so much for enduring my little impromptu break! I believe things are back on track here at Beneath Your Feet.

Enedwaith is a big, unruly zone, so I had to call in the big, unruly podcasting guns. Syp joins me as we explore and discuss the many, many different areas of the 'middle waste', from its brief history as a forestry center all the way to its involvement with the Dunlendings and Saruman. It's a wild, wild wilderness and one that we think you will enjoy.

More on Enedwaith:
More with Syp: 

What, behind the rabbit?

This week's music:


  1. Thanks for another great episode, but "the Great Hunstman -- more on him later"? Did I miss it?

    1. Good catch! It's funny you said that because I realized my stake just before seeing this comment.

      We did discuss the Huntsman, but he didn't make the final cut of the episode and I did not edit that bit out. Sorry! If you'd like more on him, you can check out this episode of LOTROCast.

  2. Thanks, the LOTROCast episode was interesting. But your latest "Extras" episode (talk about responding to feedback!) was even better. Thanks again.

