26 May, 2012

State of the Podcast

Typically by this time of the episode cycle I have a new podcast ready to go, or it has at least been announced. That's not what this is. I wanted to take a minute to communicate where things are going with Beneath Your Feet and what you can expect in the near future. For a start, things have only gotten busier in my life. That means it's harder to choose a region of Middle-earth, sit down, research it, write it, record it, and edit it down. Those of you with young families can relate; the wife and kids come first and when I have time to myself, a podcast, though it is very fun and enjoyable to do, is going to feel like work. And besides, what good is a podcast about a game I don't play? For instance, I had an excellent interview on Enedwaith with Syp last week, but I haven't touched it since the night of. It will be a great episode, it's just going to take me longer to get it out here on the internets.

So that's part one: episodes are going to be released a little more sporadically for the near future. I mean to keep the quality the same, if not better, and I can't do that without taking my time. Hopefully, once the summer is full on, I'll be able to crank out some episodes with more regularity.

Writing short blog entries on LOTRO, however, has proven to be a little easier. So the last article I wrote, on the removal of ads in a free-to-play LOTRO, has made its way onto A Casual Stroll Stroll to Mordor. I have several more of these ready to go, and Merric & Goldenstar have been kind enough to mirror the articles on their site to inspire some discussion. That's part two: more opinion articles, with new ideas for LOTRO, are coming.

So that's about it! I want to thank all of you for your support and feedback in this first year of Beneath Your Feet. I want to keep producing fun, thoughtful, brief podcasts for you to enjoy and I mean to, even if it means their coming out a little less frequently. Stay tuned!


  1. Hey lotrobeneathyourfeet!

    May we use some printed copies of the lovely Middle Earth Map in this post at our upcoming event? We would have about 10, and we'd be sure to indicate that they were from your site.


    1. Hi! I think I found the image here, so you may wish to check with them (though they likely found it elsewhere). Thanks!
